This is about living deliberately despite my own indecisiveness.


Expensive Hobby

Here are pictures of my completely functional headphone amp. It is a cMoy design I found on the internets installed in a Wintergreen Altoids tin. It uses a single OpAmp chip to drive both channels and runs on the two 9V batteries shown. I have Danielle's iPod plugged into it as it drives my Grado 60s headphones. I plan on making another amp soon with some minor tweaks to make it more compatible with my Grados and to get rid of the hiss at high volumes. Also, I want an iPod nano that I can mount on the altoids tin. And a pony. This amp powers my headphones better than my old Pioneer stereo head unit.

The set up minus headphones, plus goat that came on a Nicaraguan beer.
Out of focus guts

More out of focus guts...blame Danielle's camera.

Be nice and/or give me money and/or sexual favors and I'll probably make one for you. Joel, if you read this, I'm trying to figure out how to cram a 1/4" jack in there so you could plug in your cans. Wekk, would you like one that you can plug your guitar into?


Blogger Joel said...

I want you to plug into my cans, big boy.

5:05 PM

Blogger wekkley said...

Quackard the Great,

You must be a technical genius. If it won't be too expensive for me to reimburse you for the parts, I'd love to have me a Quack-amp.

10:45 PM


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