This is about living deliberately despite my own indecisiveness.


Agent Hero

Last night, Gilbert Arenas drained a three from about 4 feet beyond the arc with a hand in his face and 1.8 seconds on the clock to beat Utah. This was his second buzzer-beater of the month. This guy is amazing, and he's turning in performances in which he simply wills his team to win. Oh, and he's on my fantasy team.


Blogger mr.mhhs said...

you forgot to mention that he is also batshit crazy.


11:58 PM

Blogger Evan said...

So the New York Knicks, the best rebounding team in the NBA, decided to shut down ol' Agent Zero last night. Stephon Marbury and endless double teams were in place to make sure he didn't score. What did he do? Well, my point guard pulled down 9 rebounds instead. It must have been the lime green shoes he was apparently wearing last night. He and coach Rogers would make an excellent pair.

9:24 AM


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